HKE Portable Generator

Our Portable Generator is a versatile tool. It serves as both a hexagonal water generator and an accelerator for maturing alcohol and wines. It is particularly well-suited for business professionals who frequently attend dinners or social events. The body of this Generator is made of 316L stainless steel, medical-grade, with a reservoir for HKE energy fluid inside.

It takes effect in a matter of seconds

The generated resonance accelerates the maturation effects, making alcohol and wines more aromatic, less aggressive, and with a more matured taste.

It is the best solution to turn inexpensive alcohol into a more enjoyable aged alcohol in just a few seconds.

Our technology accelerates physical maturation without the use of electricity, heating, gasification, or any additives.

What are the advantages of using it?

  • Reduces the bitterness and methanol content of recently made alcohol
  • Softens and mellows the tannins in red wines
  • Alcohols will have a faster metabolism and fewer next-day effects

How do you use it?

Simply swirl it in the glass of alcohol for a few seconds and leave it in for another 5 seconds. To age whisky, you can keep it in for more seconds (10 ~ 20 seconds according to taste preferences).

However, the flavors of the alcohol or liquors may be less pleasant if they contain non-natural additives after using our Portable Generator.

Note: Our portable generator is not suitable for carbonated beverages like beer or champagne.

Technical Specifications

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We can supply you with more information about our solutions and answer any of your question on how they can help you, your organization and our planet.
How do we work
Define an appointment to evaluate together the specifications.
Define together the most adequate configuration and implementation modalities.
Monitor the results and if necessary advice corrective actions.
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